The Daily News is a tabloid newspaper founded in 1919 that was the first successful paper printed in tabloid format in the United States. It has been a major newspaper in New York City for over a century. It is currently owned by Tronc, the publishing operations of the Tribune Company, and is headquartered at 4 New York Plaza in Manhattan. Its coverage includes intense city news reporting, celebrity gossip, classified ads and an opinion section. It also covers the Yankees, Mets and Giants as well as local and national politics and has a wide range of entertainment features.
The Yale Daily News Historical Archive provides access to digitized versions of the newspaper from its founding on January 28, 1878 through the present. The archive is an open, free-to-the-world collection of scanned and indexed issues. The archive also contains a digital version of the Yale Daily News Magazine and several special issues each year celebrating the campus community, including the Yale-Harvard game day issue, the Commencement Issue and the first-year issue.
A’must-have’ for anyone interested in the history of American newspapers, and an especially valuable resource for students, scholars and the general public. This is the definitive record of the long history of one of America’s most important and influential papers, a landmark in publishing.
In this rich and thoughtful book, Conte provides a compelling anatomy of what happens when a town loses its newspaper. He explains that versions of this story are playing out across the country, as ‘news deserts’ proliferate and local journalism disappears. He looks at some of the solutions being tried, and he suggests that the answer resides in the community truly understanding the value of knowing about their own lives.
Each Daily News article is accompanied by “Comprehension” and “Critical Thinking” questions, which are designed to help readers more deeply understand the news story. Additional “Background” and “Resources” (including video clips, maps and links) are provided, as well. The questions can be accessed by clicking on the question mark icons that appear throughout the news stories. Sign up to receive a daily email with answers to the questions.
Daily News articles are a perfect way to introduce the concept of primary sources. They feature a variety of primary source documents, such as government reports and official transcripts, in addition to the articles themselves. This makes the articles an excellent way to introduce students to researching primary sources and building a research project. Each article also has links to related stories, as well as the Daily News Archives. The articles are available in both PDF and HTML formats. The PDF versions include the full text of each article and the HTML versions provide the links only. Both PDF and HTML versions can be used on a computer or on a mobile device.